Help save electricity
Я вернулась! Пора возвращаться и к проекту, в котором, к слову, бывают и такие вот советы. Сказать мне на этот счет, если честно, нечего, кроме того, как быть успешным и модным возможно. Следите за тенденциями, наблюдайте за тем, что беспокоит общество. Остальное приведу в цитатах из книги.
Although somewhat obvious, Miles Murray Sorrell FUEL insists that one of its mantras of work is to always be open to new ideas. The “Save Miles Murray Sorrell FUEL” poster was designed in 1992 as part of a series for Virgin Records. It was one of Miles Murray Sorrell FUEL’s first commissions as a group and was screen-printed by them at the Royal College of Art.
Playing on the name of their group, they were able to convey a relatively uncontroversial ecological sentiment. This sentiment may be important to the people involved at FUEL because they went to school together. The idea of collaborating under one light and gathering in the common room resonates with a sence of mutual purpose and interdependence.
Miles Murray Sorrell FUEL,
United Kingdom
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Болею я. Концерт отменили.. как-то фигово все..
Зато у тебя супер-лекарство будет! Муся! И я тебе завидую 😉
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